воскресенье, 2 февраля 2020 г.


Notify me of new comments via email. To find out more, including how to control cookies, see here: In the song, the husband talks of his new lover and how its better. Maujey naina milke , Maujey naina milke. You are right, there is a lot of Indian music that can be showcased here, and is being showcased. mauje naina milke

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Mauje Naina Lyrics

Manoj YadavAjinkya Iyer. Lie awake in my bed, Your secrets in my head. Hope people get the real meaning of the song! You are commenting using your Facebook account.

You van download the mp3 version from here: Tell me what you think! I meet Farida Khanum every time she's in Delhi. I then move into production mode and use my harmonic and sonic vocabulary to color the melody. The song has a dark touch to it. What relation ship is?

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Maujey naina milkeMaujey naina milke. I just point the way, Watch you go down. I felt she truly communicated the essence of the lyric by delivering a moody and dark vocal take with an ever so slightly menacing undercurrent.

By continuing to use this website, you agree to their use. It's important to know the cultural context. You are commenting using your WordPress. Thank you Mikke for dropping by!

mauje naina milke

You are commenting using your WordPress. There is sand wifegold new lover and a deflated baloon his marriage Maujey naina milkemaujey naina milke Semar ka dona hai, footaa bhagaunaa hai, Its like mauej broken vessel his relationship with his wife Mauje nainan milke, maujey naina milke.

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Please rate this song between mauie star and 5 stars 5 stars being the best. Do you have any weird routines that you follow when you're writing and recording music? But then again, he says he does not want to think about what is right and what is wrong anymore.

Mauje Naina | Music: My Muskaan

Coke Studio 2 - Episode 01 By continuing to use this website, you agree to their use. Email Address never made public.

To find out more, including how to control cookies, see here: Anyone can slip and then he says its all mistake of the eyes. Browse by Singer Name Alphabetically: The song lyrics along with the meaning are as follows: And the meaning is equally grey.

Really dil hamesha apni hi sunta hai. Written by Aaliya Jamal 10 February As described here this song is about a husband who is cheating on his wife. Notify me of new comments via email.

mauje naina milke

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