понедельник, 10 февраля 2020 г.


The World Wide ID is assigned by the autoloader or library controller to the drive bay and cannot be changed by the user. Make sure the last device on the parallel SCSI bus is properly terminated. General Diagnostic page to run general tests to verify the usability and reliability of the device. Remove the tape cartridge from the mailslot and insert a different tape cartridge. Inventory page provides detailed information about the tapes in the tape drives, with a summary of tapes in magazine slots. The WORM data cartridge can be appended to maximize the full capacity of the tape cartridge, but you will be unable to erase or overwrite data on the cartridge.

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Sun StorageTek SL24 Tape Autoloader and SL48 Tape Library User |

Excessive dust and debris can damage tapes and tape drives. Tape drives with SCSI address 4 2. To set the reserved slot count: Document conventions and symbols Rack stability. After the shipping lock is removed, it should be stored on the back panel of the device for future use. Press Next until the dirver displays the desired setting. If alignment is right, the Autoloader or Library will report To force the tape to eject: Logical library 4 tape drive and magazine Front panel overview The front panel of the Autoloader or Library provides access to the power button, operator control panel, left and right magazines, LEDs, and the mailslot as shown in Figure 3 and Figure 4.

By criver Previous or Next, you can select storagete the following information screens: A 1 or 2 Gb HBA might result in performance degradation when backing up highly compressible data.

Regulatory compliance identification numbers. Use caution when choosing Loop mode because it makes it possible to overwrite data on previously written cartridges.

If you do not remove the magazine within a few seconds, the device will lock it. Logical library 1 tape drives and magazines. If you use a cable other than the one supplied with the product, verify that it is keyed in location 4. It should match the physical serial number of the drive. Racks can become unstable if more than one component is extended.

For the tape drives and magazines assigned to each logical library see Table 10 on page 23, Table 11 on page 23, and Table 12 on page Only enable automatic cleaning in either the backup application or the Autoloader or Library, not both. If the SL48 has two power supplies and one fails, after a power cycle the Library will not recognize the failed power supply as installed in the Library.

Sun StorageTek SL24 - tape autoloader - LTO Ultrium - SAS Series Specs

Do not place the Autoloader or Library on either end or its sides as this may damage it. Position the new power supply on the alignment rails and push it into the Library until it is flush with the back panel, as shown in Figure Use Previous or Next to toggle between the two choices. For example, one logical library could perform a backup operation for one department while the second logical library restores data for another department.

Access to this command requires the administrator password. Up Scrolls upwards through available choices at the current menu level. sforagetek

You must remove the shipping lock before powering on the device. The device cannot perform any other operation until the magazine is replaced. To change the power status, press Enter.

The default is to make the maximum number of slots active. The service password is set at the factory. If the tape is successfully ejected from the sum, the screen displays the slot location where the tape was moved to. Installing a redundant power supply If you have a redundant power supply for the SL48 Tape Library, you may install it now or wait until the installation process is complete.

To remove and store the shipping lock: When an Autoloader is partitioned into logical libraries, each logical library operates as an independent library. Updating the tape drive firmware can take storsgetek minutes because the firmware is transferred through a serial connection.

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