понедельник, 3 февраля 2020 г.


That's why I haven't found this game a long time ago on the net. I'm sure most of you think: I think the Hawaii team big jumps, strong hits, good shooting and the Florida team two guys can teleport wherever the ball is, and they are very strong; otherwise they suck are the hardest to defeat. I don't know exactly this one, something with holding down left or right and B together, but it hasn't worked for me every time. As you see there are three hoops, and the higher the hoop the higher the score you'll get. Street Basket - Ganbare Dunk Heroes. The above screen shots are taken from a game between Nekketsu team me: nekketsu street basket ganbare dunk heroes nes

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I'm saying this because this game isn't simply basketball. Contrary it mostly obeys the game's rules.

Nekketsu street basket ganbare dunk heroes english download

I'm sure most of you think: The above screen shots are taken from a game between Nekketsu team nemketsu The hoops can break, and if you aren't careful the CPU will steal them they can be thrown like the balland you'll find out that on your side are 5 hoops. Street Basket - Ganbare Dunk Heroes. Tuesday, February 26, Finally!

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nekketsu street basket ganbare dunk heroes nes

The CPU is much better than you, runs faster, does tricks, hits bigger etc. I use the defending team layout, this way my buddy won't "block me" too much: Pimp my pixel Good morning gentleman!


The only bad thing I can say about the game is how passing is handled in one player mode: Well what can I say The game has a pretty good control mechanism. I've been looking after this game for a long time. If you are a beginner, and play this game the first time, you will feel that you can do nothing.

Here are stteet more screenshots from the game: Labels nes 1 other 1 reviews 2 sports 1 TBS 1 thoughts spacesim 1 wireless 1.

Ok, enough introduction let's talk about gameplay and controls.

PixelBat: Finally ! I found it ! (Nekketsu! Street Basket - Ganbare Dunk Heroes)

And don't forget that this game was made back in for the NES which has very limited hardware compared to todays consoles. It's like a mix of a fighting and a sports game. Hitting A or B, while you're in the air, performs various super kicks or punches, depending on the character you're playing with.

That's why I haven't found this game a long time ago on the net.

Nekketsu Street Basket - Ganbare Dunk Heroes

If you take the time nkeketsu try this game, I'm pretty sure you will forget about graphics pretty soon. Posted by DrX at More exactly you can kick and punch the opposing players.

nekketsu street basket ganbare dunk heroes nes

Even the game cartridge was counterfeit, as it's title was NBA: Also you get more points when you successfully land a slam dunk. I played the game a long time ago on a real counterfeit NES device: You can make as many fouls and I used a "light" word for it as you wish. The NES gamepad had only two buttons, so the authors had to come up with some combinations, to make possible the many fancy moves and tricks you can make.

strreet I don't remember the manufacturer's name, but it wasn't Nintendo for sure. The game features 8 teams with 8 different levels, each team has 4 players to choose. As you see there are three hoops, and the higher the hoop the higher the score you'll get.

nekketsu street basket ganbare dunk heroes nes

I think the Hawaii team big jumps, strong hits, good shooting and the Florida team two guys can teleport wherever the ball is, and they are very strong; otherwise they suck are the hardest to defeat.

I don't know exactly this one, something with holding down left or right and B djnk, but it hasn't worked for me every time. So if you're impatient to baskket out the combinations yourself I think part of the fun the game has to offer is finding out the combinations, TIP:

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