пятница, 31 января 2020 г.


You're right, it takes some minutes to load, I had to cancel 2 Force Close to see the game start. I got it to work but with a. Risio takes a few liberties with the textures and I agree with his interpretations. Anything I did wrong? Want to take one step further? federelli retexture pack for zelda oot

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These authors have put a tremendous amount of work into their projects and deserve some public kudos.

The rom names are definitely not the same BlueZero 13 Nov How come my hires texture pack works with both ocarina of time and master quest at the same time without having to rename the folder? This is a very impressive effort by Pietschie and Bad Randolph.

federelli retexture pack for zelda oot

The textures must either be huge or just overwhelm my mb video card. Admin on Mon Nov 14, 3: I don't like the new font.

Keep up the fog work! You also want to make sure you have extracted the texture files into the right folder system: What is the download for? He has taken a little creative license and made the game his own.

texture packs? where how?

I decided to add it in because the Mario Galaxy level and Yoshi level are so beautiful. By BlueZero 12 Apr Gillou on Mon Nov zedla, 9: It works, and it does look cool, but I definitely get a lot of lag, even on my Samsung Galaxy Sii which as far I know is one of the most powerful phones out there right now.

federelli retexture pack for zelda oot

Nonsense, it makes me feel great, smarter, more agressive. Copyright - www. Where can I get these texture packs and how do Regexture get them to work? You can probably find more by googling. This video plug-in swaps the original texture with high resolution ones, if available.

Federelli's Retexture Pack for Zelda OOT and MQ - Work in Progress (WIP) -

The Android Emulator Forums. I think I'll replay the game just to see all the textures. Gillou on Tue Nov 15, 5: Last edited on 06 Feb Federwlli the word about this guide.

federelli retexture pack for zelda oot

I don't think you should drink that. You explained what to do with the plugins, but I'm new to emulators and such.

Most of these screenshots are taken from the emutalk. I'm sure you can spell, typos do happen. Note that Djipi's cell shaded Majora's Mask pack is not complete. They say the texture quality is x just for the sky.

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Federelli, there are slight problems with some of the texts. Wow, I can't believe I didn't know about this gem. I'll try to find a smaller pack, or just go back to the stock textures.

Since it was released just days ago when I updated this guide, I haven't had enough time to explore all the areas and see what has been modified. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding.

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